Thursday, November 16

- Second Blood Butterfly -

Today. Today, today. Is a very funny day.

And that was all I have for three hours of trying to do this blog's post ;x Yay for procrastination.


Alright, I just procrastinated again.

Well anyways, today the renovation dudes came and took away my cabinate and stuff because they were beginning to rot, and my mom already ordered my new furniture to refurnish my room. And when the guys came and took off my cabinate and stuff, they didn't do my mom's room and I got bitched at. Pissing off, actually, but ah well. And to vent her anger, mommy scolded me for being 'Useless' and 'not helping around the house' and she 'hopes that [I] get a maid when [I] grew up.' Of course, there were more insults, but i forgot. I wanted to ask her if she wanted me to burn in hell, rot before dieing and to swim in a swamp of darkness. But that'll just piss her off somemore.

And to clear things up for the clueless:

[05:26:14] <~Kureha> you know
[05:26:20] <~Kureha> my mom didn't brief me about anything
[05:26:26] <~Kureha> about the renovation
[05:26:30] <~Kureha> and when the guys came
[05:26:35] <~Kureha> and didn't do her room
[05:26:38] <~Kureha> i got scolding

Clean summary.

In Red Rose Vertigo (refer to my purgatories), I made a new board there, and got found out, but I was approved. Fallen Cradle Inn, an Inn of twisted nursery rhymes dwell in every corner. Fallen Cradle Inn itself is one. (Refer to Rock a bye baby) (Fallen Cradle Inn is in a very big tree) So, just wanna see how's that going to come along =D!

And if you see a tagboard beside here. It means Blood Angel Chidea managed to put a tagboard up at the side. Congratulate me! If not. Uh. Update tomorrow? ^_^

Alright, nothing much else to write considering I didn't step out of the house tomorrow.
More sleep.

Slept at 4 am yesterday.

Chirri-chan wants


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